The BoulDurango ride was the brainchild of Adam Avery, President and Brewmaster of Avery Brewing in
I was lucky enough to attend the epic adventure this year, and as the first woman to ride the route, it felt like a huge undertaking at first. As it turned out, I was in for some gorgeous views, great laughs, and of course, some excellent craft beer. There were nine of us in the group altogether, two gents from Ska Brewery in
A total of six days were spent pedaling through tough terrain, the longest of the days being on Friday, with a total of 135 miles logged in one day! The week was long though, so I will take you through our day’s step by step so you can truly appreciate the undertaking!
Day One-
Day one in our epic adventure! We rolled out of Avery Brewing at around 9:00 am, the sky churning and looking like it was going to pour on us. The first few miles were uneventful as we rolled down towards Golden, but then several of the guys got flats which set us back a little on our schedule. Flats are bound to happen though when you are riding in a group- it seems to be some sort of natural law that states when a certain number of riders are out together, the inverse ratio of how many flats can happen in a given period of time goes up. We definitely achieved our total that morning, and after cresting
When we reached Idaho Springs, we cruised into TommyKnockers BewPub for some beers and food- an excellent place to head if you have a hankering for some good beer and grub while traveling down I-70. We logged about four hours on the road that day, a short trip with just 45 miles ridden. I was glad to start the week off gradually, since Day Two had quite a bit more climbing and altitude gain to boot.
Day Two- Idaho Springs to Breckenridge

Day two started out at 9am again, to clear skies and a light breeze blowing us down next to the river that follows the frontage road out of Idaho Springs. Everyone was feeling in good sprits, with all the cobwebs kicked out of the legs the day before, and great massage therapy provided by Jonelle from Avery Brewing, who came along on the trip to keep our muscles in tip-top shape. The road heading south was pretty smooth and rolling starting out, but we all knew what was looming ahead-
The road started to kick up outside of
Day Three- Breckenridge to
Today was another awesome day, rolling out of Breck’ around 9:30 am, with nice cool weather to start the day off. The very first part of the day started with climbing on a steady false-flat incline up to
At the bottom of the hill we arrived in Fairplay, and reorganized and talked about the next section of road. We were about to get on a very fast, rolling road that looped out in the valley and connected back onto HWY-285 towards Buena Vista. After snacking and saddling back up, we got into an amazingly fast and steady paceline on Rte. 9, hitting 41 mph at one point, taking turns pulling through on the front with a nice tailwind pushing us along. Unfortunately though, we had to turn back, towards the headwind, on the road leading up to Hwy-285, so our pace became slower and more deliberate, but the views were so beautiful that we didn’t mind that much.
After climbing up to the highway, we started the long rolling descent down into
That evening we met up with some of the Crested Butte Brick Oven Pizza guys who would be riding with us the next two days. We all went out to Salida for dinner, where we went to Amicas for pizza and beer. They were kind enough to stay open late for us starving bikers. Much appreciated! We cruised back in to
Day Four- Buena Vista to Crested
The day started with beautiful sunny skies and pretty strong winds outside of our Comfort Inn hotel. After a free continental breakfast we got suited up and took pictures at the base of the beautiful Collegiate Peaks- a good “before shot”, as we knew in a few hours we would be looking much more tired, after climbing 25 miles on Cottonwood Pass. The climb tops out at 12,500 ft. and believe me, you can feel it.
It took us two hours to get up that climb, and I felt especially rough due to the debauchery and dancing the nite before, but it was so worth it. The views heading up the mountain were stunning, with high alpine peaks shrouded in mist as we headed slowly above tree line. I got incredibly cold at the top, shaking uncontrollably and had to bundle up in several blankets and sweatshirts in the back of the van. I had to opt out of the long dirt descent on the other side of
The rest of the ride rolled along the road next to the river heading in towards Crested Butte. Once we got into the valley closer to town, I remembered why people love it so much there. The green grasses hugging the sides of the hills in the valley, the streams winding their way downhill- Crested Butte is truly a magical place. And with so many people in town who are bikers, arriving into CB always feels like a treat. We rolled straight to the Brick Oven Pizza restaurant and bar, and had some of the most delicious pizza I have ever had. I was so tired though, I decided to walk back to the hotel and take a nap, which helped rejuvenate me enough to go out and get groceries for our long 135 mile day coming in just a few hours. I went and had an early dinner solo, and headed to bed early, still behind on sleep from the previous night of partying.
Day Five- Crested

We all woke to beautiful skies in CB on day five of our adventure, some of us having slept well, and others, like our driver for the trip, were out till the wee hours of the nite and were hurting! We all know what that feels like, and it makes it much more painful when you have to drive in the bright sunshine the morning after.
Luckily though, we rolled out pretty much on time at about 8:00 am, and with the help of the supremely fit Crested Butte Brick Oven Pizza dudes, we rolled quickly through the first 60 miles of our ride with little to no effort on our part. Thank goodness for them! The only thing that slowed us down several times were flats- again there was so much junk and gravel on the side of the road, and now rumble strips were added in that made avoiding the junk in the road even more tricky! Glass, metal bolts, pieces of hard plastic and other metal shards made the list as just some of the things we rode past that day.
Montrose was the hottest part of the day, but again flat so really nothing to complain about other than the time our rear-ends had already spent in the saddle that day and the days before. We made an early stop in
The ride into Ouray was just beautiful, with rolling grasslands, and the walls of the mountains coming closer and closer to the road. By the time you actually get into Ouray the rock walls are right next to the road and go straight up, the whole town surrounded by beautiful views of the peaks. We sprinted into town, and jumped straight into the icy waters- it felt amazing! After that it was shower and relax time, and after being in the saddle for nine hours and having ridden 135 miles that day, we were all ready for some sleep.
Day 6- Ouray to

We honestly must have been pushing our luck with the weather, because we woke up in Ouray to another gorgeous morning of sunshine and warmth. We all were talking over breakfast about the climbs we had to endure for the day-
The climb up
The last climb was the shortest of the day, just four miles long, and I think we all thought it was easier than we thought it would be. We had our celebratory high fives at the top, saluting each other in our badass-ness, and took it all in for a moment. We grabbed some more water then, and started the long and rolling descent into Hermosa and then the rest of the way into
We had one final sprint up the hill into the Ska Brewing parking lot, and I attacked too early and lost the points, darn! People were waiting at Ska for us with signs and smiles, cheering us on for our great week-long adventure. It all felt kind of surreal to finally be there after so many miles that week, and after 70 miles and six hours in the saddle that day as well. We ate tacos and beer till we were well beyond satisfied, and hung out and reminisced about all the fun stuff that had happened that week. Doing a long ride like that changes you somehow, and in the end you feel like a stronger person, even if it’s just knowing that you really can do anything you put your mind to. We all had an awesome adventure, and made it safe to Durango, ready to drink some more cold beers, and laugh with friends.
Thanks to Avery Brewing, Oskar Blues Brewery and Ska Brewing for participating and providing delicious craft beers throughout our journey! Happy riding!