Sunny skies and 85 degree weather ushered all 14 SkAvery (Ska / Avery) brewer-cyclists over Lookout Mountain, Floyd Hill and into Idaho Springs today, escaping only slightly worse for wear after 46 miles in the saddle. Although I'm not sure I can say the same about the longboarders we saw going down Lookout Mtn. in the opposite direction. Man. THOSE guys were out of their mind!
After hydrating (yes, with WATER) for the past couple of days to prepare for our 6 days of riding, we promptly realized that sudsy sustenance would be necessary to power the engines up to Idaho Springs. With that in mind, the sag wagon was turned into a suds wagon only minutes before we departed from the Avery Tap Room as Matt "Handtruck" Thrall filled the coolers with Ska's Modus Hoperandi, True Blonde, Avery IPA and a limited release batch of our Piglet Purgatory (a 1/2 batch of our Hog Heaven Barleywine that is hoppy, dank and extremely sessionable).
With a van stocked full of brews we were set to depart, and it didn't take long for the Colorado sunshine to dry things out and necessitate a beer break. After climbing Lookout Mountain we rewarded ourselves with a brew and then pedaled onwards towards Tommyknocker Brewing Co in Idaho Springs.
One day down, 5 more to go, and one thing is for sure: brews, bros and bikes are a great combo, no matter what anybody else tries to tell you. Many thanks to the kind folks at Tommyknocker for your hospitality, and props to Eric from The Sink and John...it was a pleasure riding with you fellas today!
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